Achaeus of eretria biography
Achaeus of Eretria (Ancient Greek: Ἀχαιός ὁ Ἐρετριεύς; born BC in Euboea) was a Greek playwright and author of tragedies and satyr plays.
Eretria evia
Achaeus ( Ἀχαιός) of Eretria in Euboea, a tragic poet, was born B. C. , the year in which Aeschylus gained his first victory, and four years before the birth of Euripides.
Ancient greece a to z
Achaeus (gr.
Euripides biography
Achaeus (2) of Eretria, Athenian tragic poet, to be distinguished from Achaeus of Syracuse, who may be the Achaeus who won a *Lenaean victory c According to the *Suda the Eretrian .