Kamehameha ii parents
Kamehameha II (November – July 14, ) was the second king of the Kingdom of Hawaii from to His birth name was Liholiho and full name was Kalaninui kua Liholiho i ke kapu ʻIolani.
Kamehameha ii siblings
Emperor of Brazil Pedro I was presented with this native Hawaiian feather cloak by King Kamehameha II in made from rare tropical bird feathers which in was lost in the fire .
Kamehameha iii full name
Biography Kamehameha II (Liholiho) succeeded to his father, Kamehameha I, as the King of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi "Liholiho (Kamehameha II) was born ca.
When did kamehameha ii die
Kamehameha II (–) ruled Hawaii for only five years, from to Born in on the island of Hawaii, he was the son of Kamehameha I. His most notable act was admitting the .