Litalia cambia verso matteo renzi biography
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Matteo Renzi OMRI is an Italian politician who served as prime minister of Italy from to He has been a senator for Florence since Renzi has served as the leader of Italia Viva (IV) since , having been the secretary of the Democratic Party (PD) from to , with a brief interruption in After See more.
President of italy
Sindaco di Firenze nel , poi segretario del Pd per cinque anni e presidente del Consiglio per due, dal al Le dimissioni in seguito al no ricevuto al referendum .
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On February 22, , Renzi was sworn in as Prime Minister of Italy.
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A Firenze, Matteo Renzi in occasione dei suoi primi 50 anni, oltre a festeggiare l’importante traguardo di vita raggiunto, probabilmente annuncerà il percorso di nascita di un .